"The difference between the great geniuses of history and other 'ordinary people' is not a matter of heredity, that geniuses are not born geniuses. At birth, every person possesses potential for greatness. It is one of the tragic realities of contemporary life that in most people this inborn potential remains dormant and undeveloped. My search for the reasons for this deplorable state of affairs has led me to realize that people we think of as geniuses had developed a way of "seeing" which enabled them to grasp with penetrating insight and understanding the true nature of the world around them."
A Geography of Human Life, T. Makiguchi.
I question ontological hierarchies and their systemic boundaries within my work.
I am fascinated by the interrelation between societies and the territories they live in, stemming from my previous studies in Human Geography and from Buddhism, which is central to my life and practice. Confronting different perspectives and semantic codes enables me to acquire a critical voice - deconstructing the aesthetic and methodological views incorporated in my experience.
Ceramic processes are amongst the most ancient technologies in human history. To ensure their survival, enduring traditions have been reinforced through repetition and the handing down of skills. In particular, the dichotomy between surface and shape has been at the core of the field, which still defines and connotes the existing context.
My practice explores that liminal space to redefine the perception of structure and façade. I combine traditional hand-building and casting processes with experimentation for example using glazes and glass as part of the ceramic body or kiln forming processes to create complementary shapes in ceramics and glass.
I am also exploring different materials at a greater scale for site-specific projects.
I graduated with an MA in Human Geography at the University of Sassari (IT) and completed a Diploma in Ceramics at FITSTIC, Faenza (IT).
Working with ceramics fascinate me because of the uncanny prodigy of the firing, which collects and fixes all the elements, concrete and abstract phenomena that occur at a time, like a snap-shot.
For this reason, I consider this art, not simply a technique but a way of living.
Since early 2016 I have been working as a Technician in an open-access ceramics studio in South London. I have also been working on collaborations and commissions both in the UK and internationally.
I graduated from the Royal College of Art with an MA in Ceramics and Glass, awarded with a scholarship by the Fondazione di Sardegna.
My work has been shortlisted for the 62nd and 59th Faenza International Ceramic Prize and for Fresh at the British Ceramics Biennial.
62nd International Faenza Prize, MIC, Faenza, IT, 2023.
International Festival of Glass, British Glass Biennale, Stourbridge, UK, 2022.
Ash Ember Flame, Embassy of Japan, London, UK, 2021.
Metanoia, Cromwell Place, London, UK, 2021.
FRESH, British Ceramics Biennial, Stoke on Trent, UK, 2021.
The Power of Material: From Virtual to Physical, Design Museum, London, UK, 2021.
RCA 2021 Online Show, 2021.
Work in progress show, RCA, London, UK, 2020.
59th International Faenza Prize, MIC, Faenza, IT, 2015.
Speaker at the 51st International Academy of Ceramics Congress with a Thematic presentation titled "Ceramics in dialogue", Alcobaça, PT, 2024.
Museo Internazionale della Ceramica, Faenza, IT, 2024.
Fondazione di Sardegna, Sassari, IT, 2023.
MA Ceramics and Glass, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 2021.
Senior Technician for the Design and Prototyping of Ceramics, FITSTIC, Faenza, IT, 2015.
MA Human Geography, University of Sassari, IT, 2012.
Ceramic teacher at Culford Studio, Workshop 305, Birch, London, 2021 - ongoing.
Teaching Placement, The Reykjavik School of Visual Arts, IS, 2021.
International Workshop Assistant and Translator, SculturaCeramica, Genoa, IT, 2017 - 2023.
The Glass Foundry, Stroud, UK, 2021.
Todomuta Studio, Seville, ES, 2015.
La Meridiana, International School of Ceramics, Certaldo, IT, 2015.
Päivi Rintaniemi Studio, Seinäjoki, FI, 2014.
Ana Hillar Studio, Faenza, IT, 2014.
The Glass Foundry Scholarship, 2021.